Your Chiropractor Site Can Have It All! Just Ask HealthQuest.

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10 years ago

When we were introduced to the doctors over at HealthQuest, they told us they wanted their site to be updated and informative.  Their site visitors were frequently potential or existing clients, so they wanted them to have available resources to help them.


While many chiropractor sites aren’t the most exciting websites on the Internet, we were confident that our design would be one people would remember and associate to talented medical professionals that care about their clients.  Not only that, but people could access it on their smartphones on the go, or while waiting for their appointment.

Believe it or not, we used the DODGEBALL THEME as our base to get this beautiful site up and running.


Dr Cox wanted an Ask A Doctor feature that allows curious visitors to ask specific questions that would go straight him.  Right underneath the feature we placed a live feed of the most recent articles posted on their blog.


Like with many medical websites, there was a lot of information that was available for site visitors to consume.  But with that amount of heavy content, there had to be a way to manage giving the information to a reader without overwhelming them. 

On the FAQ page, we added a click and dropdown feature that only showed the questions.  If an inquiring visitor wanted to know the answer, they only need to click on the questions to have the answer dropdown to become available.


With the Services Page, we separated the content into more easy to read and access columns, so readers can choose where to look and consume information.


We converted their old articles into our blogging tool, so they can blog about any topic they want, whenever they feel like it. 


When converting over to our tool, you don’t have to worry about all of your articles posting on the same day.  Our blogging tool allows you to backpost the publish date to whenever you’d like.


We are thrilled with the final product for HealthQuest.  They have the ability to update their website whenever they want, so as their practice evolves, so can their site along with them.

If you’re looking to update your existing site, or looking to start building one, contact us today, or get started building your own website for free now!