
We Love Making Sites Mobile
We Love Making Sites Mobile

We can’t really think of anything we love more than to take a good looking site and make it mobile friendly!  We recently had the opportunity to work with Primary Care Alliance to do just that!We kept the clean look and feel pretty much the same as their previous site, with a couple new upgrades. Using the Wharton Theme, we were able to mirror a great deal of the features they had on their old site, including the right sidebar on every page. On PCA’s previous Frequently Asked Questions page, site visitors had to scroll through a number of pages to get through all the questions.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookprimarycarealliancemobile friendlyCMSedit your own siteupgrade your sitetwitter bootstrap
Sugar House Farmer’s Market is Now Local and On the Interwebs!
Sugar House Farmer’s Market is Now Local and On the Interwebs!

We love working with local clients, and we were even more thrilled to help out the Sugar House Farmer’s Market because one of the board members took our SquareHook Website Building course last spring. #yeahbradThey were fans of Gonzo’s Candy site we recently finished, so we hooked them up with the Clean Canvas theme as well. They had a new fun logo, and a great color palette to work with, so it was a breeze putting this site together.

8 years ago
Tags: sugarhousefarmersmarketsquarehookmobile websiteCMSTwitter BootstrapUtah Locallocal farmer's marketedit your sitesugarhousebuy local
We Did a Mini Facelift to the Pardner’s Plumbing site
We Did a Mini Facelift to the Pardner’s Plumbing site

We are so thrilled to be sharing a post of a recent website we finished for Pardner’s Plumbing. Brenda came to us, with a desire to update not only their site, but their logo. We work with one of the most talented graphic designers around, Ai, who was ready to help out.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookmobile websiteedit your websiteaimittoncreativerebrandingCMSTwitter BootstrapPardner's Plumbingplumbing websiteUtah local
We Absolutely LOVE Do-It-Your-Selfers!
We Absolutely LOVE Do-It-Your-Selfers!

We always get the warm fuzzies when we see people building their own sites out with the SquareHook Tool. So we had to share! Dallas owns a Carbon Cleaning Distributor Center here in Utah. He used our Flattern Theme.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookbuild your own sitemobileTwitter BootstrapCMScarbon clearningsmall business ownerswebsitemobile website
It Was an Absolute Treat to Make Gonzo’s Candies
It Was an Absolute Treat to Make Gonzo’s Candies

There is nothing we love more than building a new site with killer pictures! And when food is involved, that is always a good time! Gonzo’s Candies was a total treat (pun intended) to make!Bart Gonzales needed a site to sell his yummy sweets and savories. All of his organic treats photographed beautifully, and Bart’s needs were so simple. He just wanted to be able to sell his products online.

8 years ago
Tags: organicsquarehookgonzos candymobile websitecandyorder candy onlinebrittlebuy localtwitter bootstrapCMSgourmet treatsecommerce
City of Toquerville has a new site Ready for the Spring!
City of Toquerville has a new site Ready for the Spring!

We were so happy to upgrade the City of Toquerville’s website. They had some simple needs: adjust their pixilated images, be able to edit it whenever, update new city records, etc. Not only that, they had a specific budget they needed to keep within.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookexecutechcity of toquervilleCMSedit your websiteTwitter Bootstrapcity websitemobile website
Arnold Machinery Is Up and Running Great!
Arnold Machinery Is Up and Running Great!

Arnold Machinery liked their site, but they didn’t have the accessibility to edit their own site. That is totally frustrating, when you have to make a site change-whether that is a typo change, or adding some new web pages. We helped them do a site conversion, where the site looked pretty dang similar, but now they can edit their site whenever!AM had a really cool feature on their Locations page, where the map is interactive.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookarnold machineryconstruction equipmentmining equipmentmobile websitematerial handlingtwitter bootstrapCMSedit your websitegeneral implement distributors
EventLab Showcased Their Talents
EventLab Showcased Their Talents

We had a serious pleasure working with the team over at EventLab.  Doug and Danny have been visionaries for decades, and they brought their creativity to their new site. We love clients with vision!They had a great video made by their friends from Cornerstone in place of a scrolling banner.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookeventlabcorporate eventsmobile websitecontemporarycmstwitter bootstrapwebsitewebsite creationcustom websites
We Helped out SundanceTV for the 2016 Sundance Film Festival
We Helped out SundanceTV for the 2016 Sundance Film Festival

As a Utah based company, we were pumped to work on a project for the upcoming Sundance Film Festival. SundanceTV needed a custom WiFi portal to hook visitors up with free wireless access at the SFF.   We made a custom portal that integrates with the Unifi Wireless hot spot system that our partner IT company set up for them.

9 years ago
Tags: SquareHookSundance Film FestivalSundanceTVSundanceExecutechmycoolnerdswifi hotspotmobile friendlywifi portal
Industrial Visualizations Has a Knockout Site!
Industrial Visualizations Has a Knockout Site!

Our team here at SquareHook has worked with some of the team over at iCow, and we were so stoked to work on this custom website for Industrial Visualizations. First of all, their banners are videos–videos of some killer work they do.   We love that videos are now becoming banners! You don’t even want to leave the home page, because the banners are so amazing!For a company that specializes in live action filming, motion graphics, scriptwriting, voiceovers, music, and live action/animation integration, they knew exactly what they wanted to convey.

9 years ago
Tags: squarehookindustrial visualizationsimpatient cowmobile websiteCMStwitter bootstrap