
Need Assistance With Your Site? We Have Updated HELP For YOU!!
Need Assistance With Your Site?  We Have Updated HELP For YOU!!

As we are constantly updating our feature list on our website, we have a lot of new secrets to making your site the best it can be! Our team has put together an all inclusive help book to assist you in your website creation journey.    HERE you can learn everything there is to know about adding images, content, hyperlinks, duplicating pages, adding videos, embedding or creating a blog from scratch!  It is a great supplemental tool to assist anyone when they may be stuck. And, as always, our help website is here as a supplemental tool for you as well.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookeCommerce mobile websitebuild a websitedo it yourselffree website builder
What Do I Need For My Website?
What Do I Need For My Website?

You want to get a website going, but WHERE DO YOU START?  What do you need?   This is a very common question that people have when creating a website.   A lot of people will approach this conversation with a discussion on tools and domains and SEO and hosting and Social Media and all the other things most people don’t care to know about.   At the end of the day though, you choose your tools, create the initial site, then stare at the monitor and wonder what’s next?  This is the real question to answer and address.

11 years ago
Tags: build a websitedo it yourselfrecipemobile websitegame plantwitter bootstrap
Is a Facebook Page Enough?
Is a Facebook Page Enough?

As a salesperson at a web design firm, I sometimes hear from people that I am talking to about creating a website that “we already have a Facebook page and that’s enough. ”  When I hear this I usually go and look at these FB pages and many times find that they are very well managed, lots of likes, and have great information and pictures.  These people have done a great job of creating an effective Facebook page and keeping it active, but is that really enough for your small business?  The short answer is “no”.

11 years ago
Tags: build a websitefacebook for businesssmall businessdo it yourselfWebsite Designweb presencesquarehook